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Need Help Arguing Against Religion At Other Forum

Started by Thanos, January 05, 2008, 04:26:42 AM

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Hello! this is my first post here. I joined up on the forum because I need help from other atheists! let me describe the situation.

the other forum that I regularly go to, is not specific to religion, politics, or whatever. it is a gun forum. I go to the General Discussion section, where we talk about everything from guns to beer to what-ev-er, which does sometimes include politics and... religion. hot button.

there are christians, and there are non-religious people, which you would call athesists I suppose. us atheists really don't care about the subject. but the religious ones do apparently, and they are getting out of hand. they simply won't shut up.

it seems I'm the only atheist there willing to put forth an argument about how a) they're wrong about their beliefs, b) they're wrong about the "facts" their beliefs presuppose, and c) why they should quit trying to make that place their own personal ministry, which I find irritating.

what's even more irritating is how you can talk until you're blue in the face showing them fact after fact how they're wrong but most of them just go "lah-tee-dah" ignore it and continue on with their blabber, or some say they can't be proven wrong, argue for a minute then simply quit responding and continue on with their blabber.

I would if I could, but I can't go at this 24 hours a day. so I'm asking your help.

if you would, come over to this forum and join the fray. please!

well whaddya say?


I've found the best way to deal with religous people who are like that is to simply have your say and only respond if they are willing to engage the topic in a thoughtful manner.  

I'm not sure I have much of a place on a gun forum since I don't like guns...however, some of the other members here may want to take a crack at reasoning with them.


Well, it's not about evidence, logical argumentation or who is right or wrong with them.  Those who scream the loudest and proudest are often the most insecure.  The more you post, the more you put forth your train of thought, the larger the wall they build around themselves.

After years of doing the same thing as you're doing now have I learned when to, as laetus said, say my piece and then just let it go.  The only time I don't let it go is when it comes to science - where I can show empirical backing for all my claims and refutation of inaccurate ones.  Unfortunately, in a theological/philosophical debate it's not so clear cut.

My best advice, just let 'em be.  You're just wasting your time and driving up your cortisol levels.


Those people have believed in that shit for so long they wouldnt let it go if they woke up castrated.

THey just cant properly function without it---there is no getting through to them.
Me, my projects and random pictures, haha.

"Tom you gotta come out of the closet, oh my gawd!" lol


right.... well... I told them that if they don't put a cork in it I'll take the argument to their Prayer Threads where they don't want to be bothered in their beseechings. I have been arguing with them all day today, so now they're going full tilt with their shit posting topics on their shit.

it has hit the fan. no, I can't rationalize with them, it's way beyond that. this is a smackdown pure and simple. that's what this is about. now. if you want to join in, I need your help now.


Ask them why every the flu is different every year. What god wants to kill more elderly and young children if they dont get the vaccine on time? Since the vaccine is so god dependent and NOT manufacturing dependent.

But seriously I suggest you give up pretty quick. I use to argue with dipshits on the '9/11 conspiracy' and there is no convincing acid/pot heads who listen to TOOL and 'think out of the box.' In this case the box is reality---only they dont know it.
Me, my projects and random pictures, haha.

"Tom you gotta come out of the closet, oh my gawd!" lol

Big Mac

Fighting with morons is like trying to find gold in a giant pile of shit. It bears no fruit that is not stinky and sticky and you are just worse off. You can't fight with stupid people. Be they bigot, bible-thump, or just boorish they will not change unless something major happens in their life. You're better off doing something more productive. Such as World Domination or listening to my pearls of wisdom....
Quote from: "PoopShoot"And what if pigs shit candy?


never mind. it's over.

I'll spare the details, but yep, it was just as Big Mac describes it, and the ones I was arguing with certainly didn't have the morals they always crow about.

Big Mac

Quote from: "Thanos"never mind. it's over.

I'll spare the details, but yep, it was just as Big Mac describes it, and the ones I was arguing with certainly didn't have the morals they always crow about.

To quote the Jedi bad ass himself, Obi-Wan Kenobi: "You've taken your first step into a larger world."

Those who claim absolutes in their lives tend to absolutely fail to live up to them.
Quote from: "PoopShoot"And what if pigs shit candy?

Smarmy Of One

I think the first problem is visiting a gun site for enlightened conversation.

If I were you, I'd visit the site just to talk about guns and avoid the general discussion arena. Visit other sites for intelligent conversation in other - non-jesus themed forums.

I don't want to paint with too wide a brush here . . . but I will anyway. Most guns nuts are bible pounding, beer guzzling, back-woods, inbred morons. You are a rare specimen indeed- a rational free thinking gun enthusiast. If I get shot by mistake someday, I hope it's by someone like you.

; )

Big Mac

Wow....Smarmy you are just a Christian without a Jesus to beat off to.

So since we're playing the assuming game, I'm going to assume most Atheists are: 1.) Card Carrying Commies. 2.) A part of the ACLU (which is a commie organization) 3.) Fags (I mean it with all the love I can without sounding gay) 4.) Bleeding heart ultra liberals.

Most gun nuts actually look like this and this and this and this!

Most "gun nuts" (I prefer the term Firearm Maniac but semantics) are just everyday people. I know you live in Canada where they tell you what to do but around here (see I'm going to assume some more since it's so easy) you have about 4 to 5 neighbors who have at least one gun and you'll never have an AD occur. I have yet to have one in my apartment and I own roughly 9 guns. Why? Because those who take the time to learn this valuable skill know how to treat a weapon with respect, not fear. Fear comes from ignorance.

I'm not trying to start a fight but please don't do that. Gun owners like me, momma, and many others here (and not here) have fought that stereotype all of our lives. It's grating to hear it. You wouldn't say most gay people are limp-wristed or most black people are too dumb to go to college, would you? Why paint it on another group who have been responsible and outnumbers most minorities?
Quote from: "PoopShoot"And what if pigs shit candy?


QuoteI'm not trying to start a fight but please don't do that. Gun owners like me, momma, and many others here (and not here) have fought that stereotype all of our lives. It's grating to hear it. You wouldn't say most gay people are limp-wristed or most black people are too dumb to go to college, would you? Why paint it on another group who have been responsible and outnumbers most minorities?

I guess all of us are guilty of stereotyping one community or other. Peace.

Big Mac

Quote from: "bitter_sweet_symphony"
QuoteI'm not trying to start a fight but please don't do that. Gun owners like me, momma, and many others here (and not here) have fought that stereotype all of our lives. It's grating to hear it. You wouldn't say most gay people are limp-wristed or most black people are too dumb to go to college, would you? Why paint it on another group who have been responsible and outnumbers most minorities?

I guess all of us are guilty of stereotyping one community or other. Peace.

True but it seems kosher, almost vogue, to treat gun owners like that.
Quote from: "PoopShoot"And what if pigs shit candy?

Smarmy Of One

I guess I left out that gun nuts are also incredibly sensitive. I was actually making a joke.

One of the reasons I came to this site was to avoid all the reactionary assholes I was having to deal with that would explode on me if I said I was an atheist. I guess I'll have to sensor my thoughts hear too.

Aside from which, look at your own signature. Ever cross your mind that you might be offending someone? Probably not or you didn't care or it was your intent to offend.

Thanks for living up to your own stereotype.

Man! I just got here!

Big Mac

Quote from: "Smarmy Of One"I guess I left out that gun nuts are also incredibly sensitive. I was actually making a joke.

One of the reasons I came to this site was to avoid all the reactionary assholes I was having to deal with that would explode on me if I said I was an atheist. I guess I'll have to sensor my thoughts hear too.

Aside from which, look at your own signature. Ever cross your mind that you might be offending someone? Probably not or you didn't care or it was your intent to offend.

Thanks for living up to your own stereotype.

Man! I just got here!

The general idea is to offend. I'm a Libertarian and I enjoy any stabs at Clinton and others like her any chance I can.

I'm offended because your comments come off as the usual asshat nature that most allegations leveled at gun owners like me tend to be composed of. Remember the golden rule: If the enemy is in range, so are you.
Quote from: "PoopShoot"And what if pigs shit candy?